Top 10 Interesting Psychological Facts that can make your life easier and can help develop your communication and personalty skills!!
Today we'll get to know about some Psychological tricks which actually work and you can use them to enhance your life. Every day hundreds of article are published about psychology based on new scientific research, and it is hard for a reader to make use of them with consistency but I assure you that these tricks and proven facts which can enhance your life to an amazing level, can make you a good communicator, listener and develop a personality.
From these tricks, we will be able to understand that how sometimes our brain feels that behaviors of others are ill logical but where there is every logic in whatever we speak, behave and act at the moment.
10. Use the Mirror as an Ethical Guide
Benefit- this helps you to be aware of your actions and can boost up your mind power to restrict bad habits.
If your job is such where you need to talk with many peoples every day, you had to convince them about a topic or they came to you to argue or anything else, you can simply do is to place a mirror at the back of your desk where you sit as every person who came to talk you will behave very quiet and polite.
Psychologist says that this works because whenever we see ourselves in the mirror we became self-conscious and just because we hate ourselves to be seen angry, rude and irritable, by seeing our reflection we act civil and not only this but if we place a mirror in our kitchen we can be aware of our actions and tries to prevent junk food.
09. Say their name
Benefit- helps in gaining attention between conversations.
You might have heard it somewhere or observe it for yourself that people like it when you use their name in between the conversations. Research says that whenever we hear our name then our brain's attention-paying cells and memory centers become active and we get a Dopamine hit due to which person who is using our name becomes more special and we cannot easily forget them. So, whenever you meet a person for the first time try using their name in your sentences, this can provide you a special impression from the other person and attracts their full attention to your words.
08. Use the Pygmalion Effect
Benefit- Control brain thought and ultimately leads to doing the impossible.
Greek Mythology has a story of a person named Pygmalion who carves structures of people. According to the story, once Pygmalion carves a very beautiful woman from a big piece of ivory(hard material made of elephant's teeth) which he thought that the beautiful structure symbolizes the perfect female figure. His statue was so attractive and realistic that he himself fallen in love with it, ashamed of his behavior, Pygmalion sacrificed many gifts to the Love Goddess "Aphrodite" and prayed to meet a woman similar to the statue, after this when he went back to his place he kissed the statue and found that its lips were warm and when he kissed again he was surprised to see that the statue became alive and that's how Pygmalion later marry to the statue. This story shows that how our expectations become real if we made a blueprint of it in our minds. Scientists believe that this effect is working every time on us, for example, children who are more appreciated in school and are told that they are smart, have great potential, etc. show much improvement than before and perform better than other children.
And, In a study when housemaids are told that their work is more intense and calorie-consuming, they actually seem to burn more calories than before. This proves that from this trick not only we can control our's brains but others too, all we have to do is to expect the best from the other.
And from this, if are performing badly we can use the Pygmalion effect to think positively and tell ourselves that we have the best qualities to do the particular work.
07. Use surprising request's
Benefit- Creates interests among each other.
Because Psychologists found that if we ask someone for a weird or uncommon favor, it helps grow an interest in the person for us and this trick is used to grasp attention in a boring conversation or speech. like, In a particular research few candidates were given a task to ask for money from the people in 3 different statements, and candidates were divided into groups according to the statement. Group A has to ask "Got some change", Group B has to ask "Got $1" and Group C has to ask"Got $11". So which Group do you think has performed better? Definitely Group C, from this researchers, found that surprising and unique requests create more interest than the ordinary ones, these statements are like coffee as unique and different requests attracts our alertness. In simple words, being different from others and acts differently causes more people to be interested in us, and act simply as others make people bore easily with us.
06. Decoy Pricing
Benefit- helps to sell products you actually wanna sell.
image by: behavioral economics consulting |
We can see this trick almost in every restaurant, clothing store, supermarket, etc. We are provided with many choices in between the products, such as in movie theaters mostly popcorn are of 3 types which are small, medium and large and their pricing as Rs 120, Rs 220 and Rs 250 respectively. This type of pricing makes us think that buying medium-sized popcorn is worthless as its range is close to the large one and small-sized popcorn is too small, so people have to buy the large-sized popcorn and that's what the brand wants.
05. Nod to get the Answer
Benefit- provokes pressure on the other person to keep talking.
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Whenever if you want a confirmatory answer from the other person try to nod your head asking a question or request. You'll mostly find this trick in restaurants where the waiter after asking you nods continuously, this causes you to feel a little pressure on the customer to keep talking and from this restaurants would be able to sell more foods.
04. Show Dissatisfaction
Benefit- Might provide you the best of the deal, helpful for business purposes.
If you are negotiating some deal and another person has already given you a good deal, which you know is good but also know that the dealer could provide you much better, all you should do is to try showing him dissatisfaction without uttering a word means that if you are sitting you can cross your arms and show that you're not agree with the deal or if you are standing you can listen to him silently with dissatisfaction on the face and wait if you are given the better deal.
03. Psych yourself up
Benefit- Boost up the confidence when you get too nervous.
image by: wikiHow |
You might have noticed sometimes that if your day-start goes bad, it ultimately led to ruin your whole day, and if you are too nervous before a speech or meeting that nervousness overcomes your abilities and you won't be able to give your best. Therefore, every day in the morning when you wake you have to excite yourself and talk to yourself confidently that "Today is the best day. I'm very excited today so I'll focus on my goals and that would be amazing." When you do this there evolves a strange feeling which makes you both excited and energetic and this feeling makes your whole day.
02. Make others repeat their jokes
Benefit- Best reply to jokes.
If a person makes some joke at your expense, you can simply act like you won't be able to hear the joke properly or tell them to repeat your jokes cause nobody was listening to him/her, as most of the jokes lose their funny elements when repeated, or you can ask them to explain the joke and obviously the joke finishes when it needs to be explained.
01. Use the word 'Because'
Benefit- Increases chances of positive response from your listeners.
Whenever we want the other person to accept our request we can add 'because' in our sentence, this provides the reasoning to the listener that why he should accept our request. In an experiment, people were divided into three groups who are waiting to use the photocopy machine, So the first group has to say that have to photocopy 5 pages, the second group has to say that Can he use the photocopy machine because they are in a hurry and the third group has to make a stupid excuse that Can he use the photocopy machine because they want to take out copies. And surprisingly this excuse worked and 93% of people allowed to use the machine to the groups who used the 'Because' word. This means that if your sentences are stupid or have not much value but using the word 'because' increases its chance to get a positive response.
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