Why do most bloggers fail || Few mistakes every beginner blogger might encounter !! Mistakes not to do when you get start with your first blog

 Mistakes are obvious when we are trying to learn something new and amazing, there's no negativity in mistakes until you are learning good lessons from them. Hello reader, this article will make you know about the mistakes that most beginner bloggers do, and if you are a blogger or thinking to start a blog then this information will help you a lot and make you aware of such mistakes.

If you are very new to this blogging journey and wanted to know how to start a blog you can view :

Article 1 - Get started with a free blog with a blogger.

Article 2 - A paid blog with WordPress.

image by: digitalmarketinginstitute.com

Started blogging and encountered these mistakes, of course, you might be as a new blogger even I made these mistakes back in time, and receives nothing except a waste of time. So, I thought to help you guys by telling you about the mistakes I have faced and if you'll understand these you can save most of your valuable time and might learn something new.

So, I request you to go through the article till the end as it's been written given bloggers who are entering or just entered in this field. 


1. CPC vs KD

2. Target user query

3. Find Micro Niche

4. Best Theme for blog

5. Buy a Custom domain or not especially in Blogger

6. Buy Best hosting

7. Profile Backlinks

8. Copying content

9. Not writing consistently

10. Quality Content

So let us start talking about silly mistakes every new blogger makes!!

01. CPC(Cost per click) vs KD(Keyword difficulty)

The first mistake which most bloggers encounter is that whenever they go for keyword research they look out for the CPC(cost per click) of Google Adsense, and the KD(difficulty of the keyword) and then tries to make a match between them.

 So, let me tell you that as a beginner you must not go for CPC and always find the keyword which has a low keyword difficulty, the reason why I'm saying this is because the CPC you looked for in the Google Adsense has very few chances for a beginner to get that CPC rate, so we should always work on the low keyword difficulty and try to ignore CPC for few weeks.

02. Target user query

The second issue which we mostly make whenever we create a blog, we start writing articles about different reviews, informative content, facts, news, etc, and do not look up what people issues are, So as a beginner you could find keywords that target the query of the user.

 For example Instead of writing content about Hostinger review, we can write about how to deal when you are facing issues when using hostinger or configuring your website with hostinger. These types of content which target user queries impact more than the content of some information. You can find such keywords at websites like Quora, medium, etc. You should not use a 1 or 2-word combination keyword and go for long keywords and focus on what people are facing issues.

03. Find Micro Niche

This is also a very important mistake that beginners do. I have written an article on how to select a niche which you can view here. You have to focus on niche research and drill down deeply. As I can say that never try to make a new blog on health and fitness or finance as these niches are called YMYL niche means your money your life and google is sensitive about these niches so it would be very hard to rank your blog. 

So, do not select huge competitive niches that are about finance, money, etc, there are many other niches but try not to pull top niches. For example, instead of working on Health and fitness, go for small topics inside health and fitness such as exercise, yoga, diet, etc. 

If you work on your blog with concept EAT, which is Expertise, Authority, trustworthy then your blog authority increases and makes it easy to rank. So, you must be working on the smaller niche without thinking about the broader one.

04. Best Theme for blog

Theme selection is very important for your site, many bloggers confuse about this part that what would be the best theme to customize our blog? Theme plays an important role in our blog as it affects the loading speed of the site, a good theme can attract traffic and other such things. Such best themes I would recommend as for Blogger you can use Minima Colored Mag 3 and for WordPress if you are using free version then Hestia and Generate press theme for the paid version.

05. Buy a Custom domain or not especially in Blogger

A domain name can be said as the blogging identity, which means if we try to make change our name in the future it will cause problems and everything will mess. So you had a choice to invest in any other thing such as hosting, etc but you must buy a Custom domain name and work on the blogger if not WordPress. 

So, it's necessary to buy a domain and that too well-used domain which is .com, .net, or .in as these domains have been in the human psychology that when we to choose two websites, one which ends with .com and the other with .xyz, we'll definitely choose .com whether the site has high ranking or not than .xyz.

06. Buy Best hosting

Another most seen mistake among WordPress users is that they go for cheap web hosting. If you are a beginner then you can just go for hostinger by increasing your budget by 200-300 rupees. Hostinger is very cheap, easy to use for beginners, and has features that can help new bloggers in growing. And if you have a budget of more than hostinger then you can buy A2 hosting or Blue host and if your blog has more than 100 k visitors per month then you can go for Cloud hosting.

07. Profile Backlinks

This Step is very important which every beginner must remember. If you have newly started your website and writing articles day by day on it but how can Google find that your website has an existence. For this, after establishing your blog you have to create profile backlinks, it means that you can create accounts on blogger.com, WordPress.com, Facebook, LinkedIn and map your website at these platforms because these platforms are the places where google crawlers repeat its visit and when it view your website's link, it gets to know that your site has existed somewhere. 

From this you are developing footprints and telling google about your site's existence, so as a beginner you have to focus on marketing your blog by developing backlinks, it doesn't matter if the user clicks and visits on your given link or not you have to just develop these backlinks as far as possible.

 Also, you must have to submit your site at Google console, Bing webmaster, a website named free websubmission.com, these are the important websites where you must have to create your profiles.

08. Copying content

Initially, bloggers do this silly mistake a lot and if you'll going to do this too and believe me you are architecting your own destruction. Disadvantages you'll face dealing with this is:

・you won't be able to rank your blog on google as google hates such articles.

・you can never make a major change in your article or redesign it in your own way as the main content and the keywords in it are copyrighted from other ranked articles.

・you will never get large traffic on your blog, and the blog might fail

If you are taking a part of some other blogger's content, you had to give them credit for that content or image by adding a short note. But if you wanted to be successful in blogging then you have to create your own content.

09. Not writing consistently

"Consistency and persistency in the work lead to success" It's a perfect saying and proves every time in any work. Not being consistent in writing articles is one of the biggest mistakes in the new bloggers' community and this mistake can ruin your blogging career. 

Because a new blogger writes articles for 2 to 3 weeks and waits a month with the expression that his article will go viral but then when he's unable to see the result, gets depressed and therefore quits blogging.

No, you have to be consistent and persistent and must not hope for success so immediately, you have to write articles at least 3 times a week and waits for about a year as this career requires a lot of patience, but if your articles have good value and are SEO optimized then you'll definitely be awarded success but all you need to do is to be patient and must not hope results for at least a year after beginning with blogging.

10. Quality Content

Your's initial blog must be properly customized and word length must be properly optimized. Try to write articles with minimum word length in between the range of 1000-1500 words. Articles with 500-1000 words are not properly optimized, poor for SEO, and are not word friendly so your word limit must be not less than 1000.

So, I hope you must found some value in the post, and if you're facing any other issue or has any problem or query about this article you can comment below.

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